
The Meaning of Plants (13)

揠苗助长,try to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward. During the time of Spring-Autumn (770221BC) a certain farmer worried about his
seedlings of cereal crops didn’t grow up. One day he was so tired when he arrived home, he said, “I am fatigued today, as I have helped so many seedling to grow upward one by one.” Hearing this, his younger son run into their field and found all the seedlings were died. It means to say that although in the world so many people are as laze as never take care of their seedling any more, but on the other hand, someone cared about their too much. Both of them are harmful to plants.
 Pic from http://www.cztree.com/uploads/allimg/110422/1_110422112035_1.jpg
草菅人命look upon human lives as if they were grass. 贾谊 was the tutor of prince, at the time of emperor汉文帝(202—157BC. He have said, “To be the tutor of prince, one will never teach them to do the cruel thing. As the prince of 秦始皇 was taught by 赵高 of how to cut other’s nose and kill other’s whole family. So, when this prince accession to the throne, he killed people like cut grass. Is it the fault of the prince? The root cause is from the tutor. ”
Pic from: http://fo.bl7b.com/content-25-5226-1.html

