
Quantity of Sound Species Affect Life Quality

We have said that Linguistic law is a balance between easy to speak (expressing) and easy to remember (learning). While only increase the number of phonetic species can we get benefit from both sides.
The number of phonetic species is the key factor of any language. The more species of sound the better the language. English has roughly 400 different sounds. We suppose there is a language has only two sounds as AB, like Morse code, we may call it as AB language. Suppose in the world, there are only 400 things need to be named, then the English speaker may name each thing by a single sound. But the speaker of AB language some time has to use 9 sounds to name one thing as ninth power of 2 is greater than 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2>400, the word (name) could be ABBABAABA.
That is to say AB language cost nine parts of time to finish the job of English speaker finished in one part time. If both language make compound word like what we said last time that pig-meat vs. pork. Then English speaker can use two sounds to make a compound word but the AB language speaker should double the size of ABBABAABA. It may be like ABBAABBABAABABAABA. That means to say a language has less phonetic species is unlikely to make compound words.

The Esperanto violate this law, for the phonetic species of Esperanto is less than English while it making more compound words than English, the result is that language is harder to express and slow in thinking speed. 

