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In a forum, someone ask me, the Chinese can be semantic language, why not English? My answer is because English use its sound SCAV lavishly. Sound is the most important resource of a language, use it lavishly, you will pay for it dearly. It no mean to say ancient Chinese had the sense of economy in language issue. In fact, the reason in that in old time, the writing system is too hard for them so they have to use each character carefully step and step the Chinese language turned to be a frugal one. If English language want to be a semantic language, it has to do three things but you may find, each of them is very hard, it would be easier to adopt the already existed Chinese language and do some necessary reform.
There is three ways helping Chinese using sounds in economically the first one is tone, we have discussed already. The second one is that as the Chinese character is always represented by one SCAV(sound), so they used every consonant and vowel carefully. On the other hand, English used them carelessly. For instance, let’s put first consonant ‘b’ with all the vowels, to see how many SCAV(sound) is in use, they are ba, be, bi, bo, bu, bao, buo. Only ‘be’ is in use that means to say, plenty SCAVs had been kept unused in English. Why the people use them so carelessly? The reason is that once you design a word with some prior concept, you can’t follow the scientific rule to choose them. For instance some English words come from onomatopoeia, such as:

Word start with ‘sl’ they could be either ‘hit’ something or slippery
slag, slam, slander, slang, slap, slash, slate, slaughter, slay, slight, sling, slog, slug, slosh, slur, slalom, sledge, sleigh, slick, slide, slip, slither, sloop, slop,sludge.

When you design a word with this intention, you would not combine letters according scientific rule. This caused a huge waste of English SCAV. Only in recent years some single SCAV appeared in English for instance the word ‘yes’ turned to be ‘yea’ and ‘thank’ turned to be ‘ta’. (note: short oral expression had many benefit, for instance, we know the working memory is a period that after you meet an item, within 2 seconds during this time the ability of association around this item reach the top. With shorter words, we may put more items in this period. Besides, short oral expression means faster thinking, for thinking process is a sort of ‘speaking in mind’.) Finally the use of radical help the Chinese increased the utilization rate of sound, we will talk it later.

