
The Meaning of Plants (25)

Sometimes a Chinese author loved to express a dead of tree. For instance a famous poet黄庭坚 had written a verses for his teacher and friend 苏轼’s painting of a dead tree.
胸中元自有丘壑, in your bosom you have so many thing as large as mountain and gully,

故作老木蟠风霜。So you make an old tree freely to stand wind and frost.
Pic from: http://www.pep.com.cn/oldimages/pic_300862.jpg
Another poet马致远 wrote a poem about an old tree in the autumn as:
枯藤、老树、昏鸦 Withered vineold tree,  confused crow.
小桥、流水、人家, Small bridge,  flowing water, resident house.
古道、西风、瘦马。 Ancient road, west wind, thin horse.
夕阳、西下,            Setting sun, down west.
断肠人、在天涯。    Lonely person, in the End of the World.
You may find that in this poem, there has no predicate verb.
Pic from: http://www.12371.gov.cn/uploadfiles/2011/2/201102121210514848.jpg

