
The Meaning of Plants (29)

树欲静而风不止,the tree wanted stand still but the wind don’t stop. It was from Confucius:  ‘树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待。the tree wanted stand still but the wind don’t stop. And the children wanted to care their parents but they don’t waiting for it. (It means they died before the children can take care of them.)
泉眼无声惜细流  mouth of spring run quietly for cherishing the trickle,
树阴照水爱晴柔shade of the tree covered water for loving  its delicate,
小荷才露尖尖角,Young water lily just reveal its horn,
早有蜻蜓里上头。The dragon fly have stood on the top already.
Pic from: http://image.sciencenet.cn/olddata/kexue.com.cn/photo/upload/bigimg/2010325144038125.jpg
正是西湖六月中 right in the middle of June at West Lake,
风光不与四时同 the scenery looks different with other seasons.
接天莲叶无穷碧leaves of water lilies link the sky appearing infinite green,

映日荷花别样红Lotus flowers reflect the sunshine showing other style red.
Pic from: http://pic1.nipic.com/20090313/2198747_021200312_2.jpg

