
The Meaning of Plants (26)

When a Chinese poet admiring a plant, he (or she) loved to drink wine. Especially a poet named 黄庭坚 of Song Dynasty. Here are two of his verses:
酒浇胸中之磊隗,the wine irrigated the untold imagination in my blossom,

菊制短世之颓龄。The chrysanthemum eased my sigh for the short life.
 Pic from: http://blogcache2.artron.net/201310/30/29417_13831707071F8e.jpg
In mind of Chinese intellectual, chrysanthemum represent recluse. The typical versed 瓦斯written by a famous recluse 陶渊明:
采菊东篱下,collect chrysanthemum under the east hedge,
悠然见南山。see the south mountain leisurely.
Pic from: http://2.jxjjx.com/Article/uploadfiles/200903/2009030213555422.jpg   

Another poem is describing a picture:
酒浇胸次不能平,  the wine irrigated the untold  story yet it could not  be eased,
吐出苍竹岁峥嵘。So it seeking vent as a green bamboo that can be lofty and steep forever.

Pic from: http://eblog.cersp.com/userlog/11802/archives/2008/954447.shtml

