
Another Short History of Linguistics (22)

All these characters appeared before Dynasty (17century-11 century BC.) at that time the law and discipline rite had not established, people at that time were very worldly, and they said anything directly. People respected commerce, so the later generation used the word ‘ people’ as merchant.
Besides this, someone believed that all these characters represent that man is superior to woman for all of them shown that woman kneel down. But they forgot a truth that at that time, the chairs hadn’t been invented in China, even emperor sat on mat. And until today, the Chinese word chairman is 主席 mat-man. Today, Korean and Japan still kept the tradition that sat on mat.

 When people knew to use bronze then by typecasting, they put on characters on it. Below is from 盂鼎
This is 盂鼎:
Pic from: http://www.9610.com/xianqin/dayu01.jpg

