
Another Short History of Linguistics (37)

After people found that curved roof are better than straight roof, either in beauty or in practical, someone are trying to make it further more. That is the two dimension curved rood. Above roofs are one dimension curved roof, it seemed a piece of surface that cut from a cylinder. The two dimension curve is a surface that cut from a ball. That is the new generation architecture wanted. Nearly all the architects in East Asia countries trying do this, but without the basic knowledge of geometry, all of them failed.

Below is a typical building of 闽南, it covered an area of Taiwan and 福建the close province of Taiwan. 
 Pic from:
and the gable looked like:
Obviously the first designer of such roof was get inspiration of two dimension curved roof. Or we may say he wanted concave side of a spherical surface instead the concave side of a cylinder surface:
We cut a piece of concave sphere from a ball, from top we see (in the square):
So, if a roof of building have the roof like a concave sphere, it should be either like:
Or like:
How could it to be like:
It totally violate the geometry axiom.
Below should be the sphere surface roof of the Taiwanese ancestor looking for in the language of geometry and logic:
Yet until today, none such building has ever appeared in either Taiwan or mainland China. What we see in the recent years are two works that returning back to the cylinder surface:

Pic from: http://image211-0.poco.cn/mypoco/myphoto/20090403/03/39847191200904030321443988503508956_003.jpg
 Pic from: http://cul.shangdu.com/xinhaiyz/20110926/P_449290_0__1995038553.jpg
From these two building we may find that the ancient architects really wanted to do something special but without fully understanding of geometry they could not express themselves yet today the descendant of  闽南culture don’t understand the beauty of their ancestors imagination. Or we may said they forget what their ancestors had persist in. 

