
Another Short History of Linguistics (40)

For the mainland China, in recent year, without mathematic culture, the architecture can only develop the exterior decorations of other’s design. The Bird’s Nest of 2008 Beijing Olympic Game gave us a very good example for this. The saddle surface was copy The Peace and Friendship Stadium opened in 1985 of Greece.

Pic from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_and_Friendship_Stadium

Yet the designer felt shame to do this, they put some exterior decorations for fig leaf.
 Pic from: http://www.ticket2010.com/uploadfile/201235212735.jpg
Another building Water Cubic did the something, the frame was plainer than Birds Nest, but put bubbles for the exterior decoration.
Pic from: http://www.10000xa.com/UploadFiles/2010-12/qingzhilv/BJ/%E9%B8%9F%E5%B7%A2%20%E6%B0%B4%E7%AB%8B%E6%96%B94.jpg
We have said that the East Asia have so many good looking buildings, only if translate them into the geometric language they will be great buildings. But today’s Chinese loved to copy the building of other cultures. This phenomenon is testing an idiom of China 邯郸学步。
The story said: Once upon a time, an idling man lived in 寿陵, people called him as superfluous of 寿陵. One day, he heard that the walking style of people lived in 邯郸 was the best one in the world. So he went there to learn their walking style. After one year, he didn’t get it but forgot his own walking style. How he returned home, but by creeping.

