
Another Short History of Linguistics (39)

 The building of Indonesia is looking for the same result. But the same problem is that they don’t care about the beauty of geometry.
 Pic from: http://www.yijiangshan.net/upLoad/news/month_1403/201403061558117604.jpg
Obviously their ancestor still got the inspiration from concave sphere surface but as in ancient time, their technique could not fulfil what they want, so they made the two horn or antenna to catch people’s attention
Pic from: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_JgIrvZKaTrk/TZQoI-01FpI/AAAAAAAAAzI/A_ELygCnAfg/s640/%E8%88%B9%E5%B1%8B2.jpg
The building of 云南province of China has some interesting buildings. Entrance door, gate and screen wall they use the concave sphere as roof:

Pic from: http://file25.mafengwo.net/M00/86/96/wKgB4lMGxoGADZKtAAe4IZnGtWI01.groupinfo.w600.jpeg
But the main building is straight roof:
Pic from: http://img3.yododo.com.cn/files/review/0143/01439F3E3A3A042BFF808081439D6A3F.jpg

