
Words about death (1)

From http://thesaurus.com/browse/death, I found many synonym of death. Some of Chinese compound words are similar with English, others are carrying different meanings. Comparing the difference you may know more about compound words:

Positive words
身后after body afterlife
杀害 kill destruction
去世left world
逝世disappear from world
殉葬 dead for someone else
殉国dead for country
殉情dead for love
殉夫 dead for husband
殉父dead for father
殉妇 dead for wife
殉母dead for mother
殉教dead for church
殉主 dead for master
殉难 dead for disaster
坐化 sitting disappear, 圆寂 finished all work left no pity, 涅磐shift into eternalnormally these words mean the Buddhism monk dead
羽化, being feathered, 仙逝disappearing to be immortal, 升天go up to heaven,归天 return heaven,登仙 ascent immortal (these words for Daoism priest)
驾崩the Character means vehicle. In ancient China to call somebody on name is irreverence, and speaking emperor’s name is taboo, yet in case it is necessary to call emperor, what can someone do? They would call emperor’s vehicle later the word turned to be emperor’s pronoun. The second character means landslide or avalanche. So the word mean the death of emperor.
哲人其萎philosopher withered (normally for a popular scholar death) 
修文地下cultivate his article under earth (normally for a good author) 
仙凡路隔 separate from mortal to immortal
马革裹尸 horse leather wrapped corpse (in ancient time a soldier dead in battle was wrapped in horsehide and buried)
入土为安Burial brings peace to the deceased
驾鹤西归 riding a crane to the west
撒手人寰hand over the mortal world
含笑九泉smile under earth
命丧黄泉lost life under earth
人亡物在one’s things are still there, but the person gone.
 一了百了finished at once then everything is finished.
与世长辞  farewell to the world forever.
寿终正寝finished to enjoy one’s life for an right sleep.
成仁取义died for mercy and honour.
壮烈牺牲die a glorious death
英容宛在as one’s great image still there 
英年早逝died too early 
为国捐躯contribute body of oneself to the country
投胎转世turned to next life (ancient Chinese believe after death, one will go to a new born)
死得其所died with a valuable death

天人永隔heaven and human will separate forever 

