
Words about Marry and Love (12-2)

The next morning, when焦仲卿 heard that刘兰芝 drowned herself in the water, he hanged himself on a branch pointing south east, on the tree.
When these two family knew their children dead like this, they could do nothing but buried them together.
This story was written as a long poem, the last few lines was: on their grave, there are pine, cypress and phoenix trees. Among them flying a pair of birds called 鸳鸯, every night, they were warbling until next morning. Pedestrian stopped walking to listen to them. Widows heard rose from bed, and disturbed, they wanted to tell the later generation, don’t forget this lesson. 

Below is their grave.
Pic from: http://www.guoxue.com/?p=3741
After similar story happened, someone started to review their life creed and they found that one side love is not enough. For one side love is no other than corrupting the being loved one and torture the one who offer the love.
In recent year, this story turned to be a movie:
Pic from: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/zh/3/30/Kong_que_dong_nan_fei.jpg
Below is the story that carved on stone, the whole story used 1785 characters altogether. I only translate the main point, not the detail:
The ancient Chinese used to carve characters on stone, after thousand years, when other people need the material, they can get them by stone rubbing 拓片
Pic from: http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/y9UA-1dvOXY/maxresdefault.jpg

