琴瑟和鸣, 琴and瑟 are two different music instruments, this means a couple
play two different music instrument together like their harmonious life.
男耕女织man plough and woman
weave, it means husband and wife leading an ordinary life,
One day a high rank
officer passing by and found that his wife handed over food to him and he took it,
both of them doing that respectfully. The officer knew 郤缺 would be
an honourable man and he reported this to the king, who promoted郤缺 as the leader of one of his three armies. Later 郤缺 did a great job for the kingdom.
相濡以沫 moisten each
other by saliva. It means that
when a river is drying up, a fish couple moist each other by their saliva. The
figure of speech means a couple help each other in their dilemma.