The word 自己means self,
since they are two characters, we can split them and let each of them to
represent the meaning of self. Last time we have many examples for 己 represent the
meaning of ‘self’. This time we have some example of 自 to represent
the meaning of self.
For two character’s words, we have自家 self-family, 自身self -system,自白self-recognise or confession, 自满self-satisfied or,自主 self-decided or autonomous, 自保
self-protect, 自此 from now, 自豪 pride or glory. The rest you may check the internet dictionary yourself.
自理, 自私, 自幼,
自身, 自卑, 自检,
自立, 自述, 自愿,
自助, 自得, 自觉,
自律, 自我, 自闭, 自荐, 自恋, 自责, 自便,
自居, 自学, 自尊,
自动, 自悲,
自负, 自尽, 自勉,
自行, 自重, 自大, 自称, 自费, 自今, 自强,
自信, 自爱, 自从,
自傲, 自嘲, 自古, 自夸, 自由, 自诩, 自馁, 自谦, 自觉, 自疚, 自学, 自从, 自然
For four
characters words, we have自言自语 self speaks and
self talks, 自斟自酌 self-fills the cup and self drinks,自娱自乐self perform and self enjoy it,自生自灭 self alive and self died means no one
care about you. The rest you may check
the internet dictionary yourself.
自圆其说, 自惭形秽。自强不息。自重自尊, 自古以来, 自不待言, 自生自灭, 放任自流, etc.
For further study see:
For further study see:
let’s have a look of the Character己it
can create words like:For two character’s words, we have知己understand-self
mean best friend, 己方 self-side, 体己 feel-self mean
someone who know your everyday life very well normally mean lover, 己见 self-opinion, 己任
self-duty, 异己
one that not in self-side, 克己hold
on self,
paper; in ancient China, no one can blame the emperor, yet what if he make
mistake? In this case he would blame himself in an official document.
For four
characters words, we have先人后己
people-first-self-second, 舍己为人
give-up-oneself-to-save-other 不以己悲not
sad for poor and lonely, 知己知彼understand yourself and your enemy, 亦人亦己
for other and self 推己及人。己所不欲(+勿施于人) Don't do unto others what you don't want
others do unto you正人先正己(He is not fit to command others that cannot command himself
. Or sweep before one's own door),士死知己 if someone feel grateful to you, he will died
for you,心不由己 something you will but don’t have the power
or ability, 消除异己 killing all those not in your-side.
further study see: