
Multilingualism, Mission: Impossible (III)

Since the electronic computer was invented, Machine Translation had become another life-saving straw of multilingualism. During 1950-1960, the former Soviet Union, United States and Japanese invested billions money for the so called computer translation. Until 1990 some Hong Kong company claim they had achieved voice input. But where are these invention now? When I search from internet, I found only one web talking about this issue. 
The real reason of language translation impossible is that machine has no feeling. Our memory of word is a permanent changing process. Between first time and second time you meet the same word, you have experienced a period of time, and you may understand the same word a slightly difference. Although the impression of this word is clearer each time but the last one always different with the first one. Unless a computer can feel what human felt, such as sexy, jealous, love, cherish etc. you don’t expect the machine can done the job of translation.
It is similar Socrates talking about knowledge “For only through banter, through back-and-forth discussion and rhetorical argument and the working out of problems, can true knowledge be conveyed. Reading mere words, in his mind, is akin to looking at a lake rather than swimming in it—or worse, looking at a lake and thinking that now you know how to swim.” From: http://wondermark.com/socrates-vs-writing/

If the size of meaning in different language is unequal, then the computer don’t know what to do. For instance the English word ‘uncle’ translate into Chinese will be dozens words. And the character is very hard to translate into English for 刚毅=fortitude,毅然=resolutely,毅力=willpower, the right translation should be: the common part of fortitude, resolutely and willpower. What is tomorrow someone create another word by the character ?

